
All posts tagged health


Published January 8, 2013 by Rutendo Linah Paz

Every year around this time of the year, myself and other people around the globe set out new years resolutions. This time last year I set three new years resolutions on the table:

  1. To  start a blog
  2. To start my own skincare line.
  3. To become a runner

Now that the year is over I can now look back and see how I’ve done.

Big TickAs you are reading I have evidently started a blog. Sure I’ve only posted 10 articles but that is 10 more than the previous year and the year before that. So I can give myself a big TICK for that goal. I do plan on continuing and to be honest I could have done more and I will do more. I also want to make my articles less self involved and present a wider variety of my interests so watch this space. Thank you to all the friends and family who always checked up on me and made sure I was sticking to my goal.


In terms of my skin care line, I will have to give myself a huge X. Unfortunately I grossly under estimated the amount of $$$ required to start a new product. Long story short, I will need to be patient with this and raise enough money to get it right. I am now in a much better job than my previous one so that’s a good start. But for now lets call this one a fail.

Big TickThe last goal is one I am most proud of. Although it was hard and very erratic, I have continued with my quest to become a runner. The year started off good. I adopted a falcon programme which was running and walking and which increased the running every week. I enjoyed it till a misstep in town sprained my ankle, I was forced to put the brakes on for a while. I actually tried running too soon which made it worse and further slowed my progress. When I did get back on my feet I was again interrupted by new job, and moving to a new city. Anyway I finally settled and I am back in my trainers. In my resolution I had actually stated that I wanted to run a mini marathon… that was wishful thinking. However I have joined a fantastic fitness programme and I get to run 3 times a week with ladies of my size, shape, fitness level and end goal. I have made good friends and I love it. Who knows, maybe this year we’ll double our 5km route. So even though I didn’t sign up for a mini marathon I can still call myself a runner.

So two goals out of three is not bad. 66% is a pass in anyone’s book.

One thing I’d been dying to do for a long time was go on holiday and although it was not set as a goal, I still managed it. I went on two wonderful holidays which I hope to post in the near future. So… What does the future hold? What are my resolutions for next year? The answer to that one is easy. To become a better person than I was the years before and I will only achieve this by; loving God with all my heart and with all my strength, with all soul and with all my mind.

“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” ~ Luke 10:27

For I know by seeking FIRST God’s Kingdom, all else I desire to achieve shall be a given unto me. Life is as simple as that. That is my word for 2013 SIMPLICITY. Good luck in all you goals in the coming year.


